Saryarka – Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan
Saryarka - Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan
comprises two protected areas: Naurzum State Nature Reserve and
Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve totalling 450,344 ha. It features
wetlands of outstanding importance for migratory water birds, including
globally threatened species, among them the extremely rare Siberian
white crane, the Dalmatian pelican, Pallas’s fish eagle, to name but a
few. These wetlands are key stopover points and crossroads on the
Central Asian flyway of birds from Africa, Europe and South Asia to
their breeding places in Western and Eastern Siberia. The 200,000 ha
Central Asian steppe areas included in the property provide a valuable
refuge for over half the species of the region’s steppe flora, a number
of threatened bird species and the critically endangered Saiga antelope,
formerly an abundant species much reduced by poaching. The property
includes two groups of fresh and salt water lakes situated on a
watershed between rivers flowing north to the Arctic and south into the
Aral-Irtysh basin.